Take a deep breath in… now breathe out. That is the refreshing goodness of oxygen. Now, imagine having much more of that stimulating oxygen in your bedroom. Just one or two aesthetically pleasing, low-maintenance plants will help breathe new life into your space. Here’s more on what you need to know about shopping for the perfect plants for the bedroom.
Things to Consider When Placing Plants in the Bedroom
If you already have indoor plants for your home, shopping for a few more for your bedroom won’t be too challenging. Whether you’re experienced or new to plant parenting, it’s good to keep a few factors in mind when selecting houseplants for your bedroom and where to put them.
Many people like low lighting in the bedroom. After all, this is a place is for sleep and relaxation, so window coverings like privacy shades and/or blackout curtains are common. If that’s the case with your bedroom, it’s ideal to opt for low-light plants like snake plants and bamboo that can thrive even in the minimal light you’ll have in your bedroom.
However, if you like to keep your drapes and shades open during the day, you’ll have more plant options to pick from, provided you can situate a planter near a window. If your plant does need to be exposed to sunlight occasionally, it may be ideal to place your plant near the window or within the windowsill to ensure it gets enough sunshine. Keep in mind that the orientation of the sun changes throughout the year. So, for best results, make sure that your plant will still get the appropriate amount of sun in winter as it will in summer.
When it comes to the bedroom, you may want to opt for a set-it-and-forget-it type of plant that doesn’t need a lot of maintenance or watering, like a spider plant or snake plant, which only require watering about once a week. If the soil appears to be dry, and upon touching it, the particles of the soil don’t cling to your finger, this is a strong indication the plant needs water. Temperature
Temperatures may vary in different parts of your home, particularly the bedroom. Before shopping for plants, you may want to check the temperature in the bedroom. This is important because some plants may only thrive in cooler temperatures, while others may bask in warmer air.
The perfect temperature for most indoor plants is between 65°F and 75°F. Most plants will be able to withstand a 10-degree variation and still be stable. But ideally, this temperature range in summer and winter is ideal.
If you prefer to sleep in a chilly, air-conditioned room, go for a hardier plant, like the peace lily. Still, it’s best to keep plants away from the air-conditioner unit or vent and mist them regularly to boost the humidity levels.
Air quality
According to a NASA report from the 1980s, one way to reduce indoor air pollution is to use indoor plants, which have the ability to “scrub” the air. Various plants can filter microorganisms, smoke, formaldehyde, ammonia, and various air pollutants just by having them in your room, improving the overall air quality. So, when shopping for indoor plants, consider those that naturally purify the air, like English Ivy and Chinese Evergreen.
While you may want better air quality, you don’t want to have pesky insects buzzing in your ear all night. Stick with varieties less likely to attract pests, such as lemongrass or eucalyptus. In addition to their bug-repelling abilities, these plants tend to be fragrant. So, if you don’t want to overstimulate your senses at night, you may want to try a snake plant which isn’t as fragrant but also not appealing to bugs.
Top 10 Plants for the Bedroom
With all those factors in mind, these are the best plants for the bedroom.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

This plant is called a peace lily for good reason. Its dark, glossy leaves and beautiful white flowers will provide tranquility in your bedroom. As a bonus, if you’re struggling with dry indoor air, this plant will boost humidity. It’s a great plant for helping to eliminate indoor pollutants. It is mildly toxic for small children and pets.
Maintenance Requirements: The peace lily can survive in indirect light, preferably away from sunlight. It requires water once the topsoil gets dry.
Boat Orchid (Cymbidium)

There are many types of orchids, but the boat orchid variety tends to be an easier one for beginners to maintain indoors. This is a very attractive plant, which would look stunning on a nightstand. Unfortunately, orchids may be prone to attracting insects such as spider mites, aphids, and fungus gnats. Using insecticides will keep these annoying pests away.
Maintenance Requirements: Boat orchids like bright but indirect light, so it would do well near a window. Keep the soil moist and don’t allow it to dry out.
English Ivy (Hedera helix)

This cascading beauty would look incredible on shelf or in a hanging basket, since its trailing leaves grow long. this plant will also help clean up indoor air quality, tackling pollutants like ammonia and formaldehyde.
Maintenance Requirements: English ivy thrives in bright, indirect light so it’s best to place it near a window. Water when the topsoil is completely dry.This plant also loves humidity.
Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

The deep greens and yellow colors, along with the pointed, long leaves, make this a very visually pleasing piece to fill an empty corner. If you don’t have much of a green thumb, don’t worry. The snake plant has gained a reputation for being virtually indestructible. It’s also one of the top air-pufifying plants according to the NASA report.
Maintenance Requirements: Minimal light is needed. Water only once the soil becomes dry.
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

With long, slim leaves that resemble a spider’s legs, this plant is low maintenance but has plenty of beauty.. You’ll enjoy watching it grow, but make sure it has plenty of space since the leaves have an arching effect.
Maintenance Requirements: Spider plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Water when the topsoil is completely dry.
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)

With striking variegated leaves, the Chinese evergreen may be silver and green colored, but some species may have green leaves with a red edge. It’s a slow-growing plant, which means you won’t have to repot it often. Keep in mind this plant may be toxic to pets and small children.
Maintenance Requirements: The plant requires bright, indirect light. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy.
Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

trees are said to bring good fortune and luck into the lives of those who have them, and are famously easy to care for. The trunk is braided at the nursery, which gives it a distinct look and it can grow up to 24 inches in height.
Maintenance Requirements: Money trees prefer bright, indirect light, but can manage in minimal light conditions. Water once the soil is almost completely dry. This tropical plant thrives in warm temperatures and moderate to high humidity.
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller)

There’s nothing better than a plant that can help enrich the air and provide medicinal benefits. You can relax and enjoy the ambiance this spiky succulent brings to your bedroom. Or you can break off a small piece and use the aloe vera gel inside the leaves to soothe skin issues such as psoriasis, acne, or burns.
Maintenance Requirements: Aloe vera thrives in plenty of light so place it on a windowsill. Don’t overwater; about once a week is sufficient.
Lavender (Lavendula)

Instead of relying on the relaxing qualities of a candle, you can cozy up in bed with the fragrant smell of a lavender plant. Not only are its purple flowers beautiful, but the scent is calming after a busy day. Be careful as lavender is toxic to pets.
Maintenance Requirements: This plant needs a lot of sunlight to grow indoors, so it’s ideal to place it on a south-facing windowsill. Water it when the soil is somewhat dry.
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)

Jasmine is commonly used in perfumes, so its fragrance lends a romantic touch to a bedroom. Like lavender, it also has a calming effect that can help you rest peacefully, especially if you struggle with restlessness before bed. Plus, it produces pretty and petite white flowers.
Maintenance Requirements: Jasmine thrives on a windowsill with access to sunlight. The plant loves water, so make sure it stays watered, but don’t over water them.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best low-maintenance plants for the bedroom?
Spider plants, English ivies, money trees, lavender, and lucky bamboo are great options for the bedroom.
Is there a reason not to have plants in the bedroom?
Yes, particularly if you have allergies. Plants may trigger breathing issues if you’re allergic to them. Also, if you have small children or pets, be mindful of plants that may be toxic if ingested.