Cleaning Ideas & Inspiration
Explore inspiring cleaning ideas that will drastically make your home more appealing.

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What is Trisodium Phosphate?
Is trisodium phosphate (TSP) the right choice to tackle your next major cleaning project? Learn the pros and cons of this powerful cleanser—and get how-to info—here.
The 5 Best Shark Vacuums (2023 Review)
This Old House Reviews Team researched the highest-rated Shark vacuums on Amazon. We review handheld, robotic, stick, and upright vacuums to help you find the best option for your home.
5 Best Vacuums for Carpet (2024 Guide)
Dirt, dust, hair, and other unwanted debris builds up quickly between carpet fibers. In this review, our team takes a look at five of the best vacuums for carpets to help you find the best fit for your home.
The 5 Best Steam Cleaners (2023 Review)
Steam cleaners are an effective way to clean your home using only water. In this review, the This Old House Reviews Team researched the five best steam cleaners on Amazon to help you find the product that’s right for you. The products included in this article are available at various retail stores, local home centers, and online retailers like Amazon.
DIY Natural Cleaning Products
Keep your home clean and safe from harsh chemicals with these natural products and DIY cleaner recipes.
The 5 Best Handheld Vacuums (2023 Review)
Handheld vacuums can be useful for a variety of tasks, including cleaning under the sofa or in the crevices of your car. In this review, the This Old House Reviews Team researched the five best handheld vacuums on Amazon to help you find the product that’s right for you and your home. The products included in this article are available at various home improvement stores, local home centers, and online retailers like Amazon.
The 5 Drain Cleaners (2024 Review)
Drain cleaners clear drain clogs without the hassle of calling a plumber. In this review, the This Old House Reviews Team researched the five best drain cleaners on Amazon to help you find the product that’s right for you. The products included in this article are available at various home improvement stores, local home centers, and online retailers like Amazon.
The Cleaning Authority Review
The Cleaning Authority offers extensive cleaning services in 45 states, but many elements of the business and services differ from local office to local office.
How to Deep Clean Your House
Go beyond the weekly dust swipe-and-sweep and gear up for what pros call a "deep cleaning." Read our tips for deep cleaning your living room, bathroom, kitchen and laundry appliances.
Speed-Clean with These Pro Tips
Experts share some of their best time-saving tricks
4 Clever Ways to Clean Your Home's Exterior
Remedy curb appeal eyesores with these off-label uses for around-the-house products
Secret Potions for Tackling Tricky Cleaning Jobs
Not all secret potions are bad! The TOH editors swear by these not-so-toxic concoctions for cleaning and upgrading your house
The Dirt on Steam Cleaning
Learn about how steam cleaners function and what they can't do before you put yours to work