Door Budget Ideas
From ideas to tips, discover the best ways to spend less when working on your door.

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Exterior Dutch Door for $63
An intrepid homeowner saves the cost of a new Dutch door to contain her dogs—by cutting her existing front door in half.
Vintage Screen-Door Charm on a Budget
Add wood stock details to a simple door for a handsome upgrade
Cozy Cottage Entry for $177
Board-and-batten wainscot and carefully placed hardware give a fresh new look—and purpose—to a formerly nondescript space
All About Entry Sets
Get a lock on style—and your belongings. This Old House's experts help you pick an entry set that suits your taste and budget without compromising your safety
13 Easy Door Surround Profiles From Stock Molding
Mix and match off-the-shelf trim to create stylish door casings
Adjusting Your Sliding Door
A little attention before there's a problem will help keep your sliding door on track.