Electrical Renovation
From insightful plans to how to guides, learn about all things electrical renovation.

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Running Electricity to Your Kitchen Island
Running electricity to your island shouldn’t be too difficult, especially if you’re taking out the existing cabinets.
Inside Your Home’s Electrical Service Panel
Get essential knowledge about your home’s power distribution center.
23 Things You Didn't Know You Could Fix Yourself
Expand your DIY repertoire and save money by making bathroom, kitchen, and outdoor repairs yourself.
How Electrical Circuit Breakers and GFCIs Protect a Home
Master electrician Scott Caron shares tips for preventing shocks and electrocution
How to Add an Electrical Outlet
Master electrician Allen Gallant powers up a new outlet
Inside an Electrical Outlet
A cracked, loose, or (ouch!) shocking electrical receptacle is a candidate for replacement. But before you head out shopping for a new one, know what to ask for and how to connect everything safely.
How to Install a Stand-by Generator
In this how-to video, This Old House host Kevin O'Connor explains how to install a whole house stand-by generator.