Plumbing Videos
These This Old House videos showcase all of our plumbing projects, how-tos, and designs.

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How to Install a Vented Microwave
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey teams up with a local plumber to install a new stove and a vented microwave to exhaust the fumes.
Touring Richard Trethewey's HVAC Showroom
Host Kevin O’Connor heads out on the road with plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey to learn more about his HVAC showroom and educational facility.
Richard’s Passion for Teaching
Join us as we sit down with plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey to discuss his passion for teaching and the mentors he’s had along the way.
Understanding the History of Modern Plumbing
In this video, This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey tells us about the modern marvel that is plumbing, and why he enjoys it so much.
How to Get Hot Water with a Recirculating Pump
This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey explains how a recirculation line can save energy, money, and time.
How to Make Simple Irrigation Repairs
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey teaches host Kevin O’Connor everything he needs to know to make simple irrigation repairs on his own.
How to Fix a Bathroom Sink Stopper
A stuck sink plug causes a major hassle. Luckily, it’s a DIY that can be taken care of in an hour or two. In this video, we join plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey, who shows a homeowner how to fix their bath sink stopper.
Understanding Septic Systems
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey teaches host Kevin O’Connor everything he needs to know about septic systems, how they work, and how to maintain them.
How to Replace a Tank-Type Water Heater
In this DIY Smarts segment, plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey helps a homeowner be proactive about their home maintenance by replacing their existing tank-type water heater before it fails.
Understanding Bottle Traps
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey shows host Kevin O’Connor how to handle sink drains in tight places.
3 Reasons Water Heaters Fail
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey gives host Kevin O’Connor an inside look at why a water heater fails.
Easy Solutions for a Damp Basement
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey teaches Kevin O’Connor what he needs to know about handling wet basements.
Understanding Air Flow in Your House
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey and home technology expert Ross Trethewey explain everything you need to know about balancing airflow within a home.
Tips for Controlling Plumbing Emergencies
This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey explains some of the most common plumbing emergencies and how homeowners can handle them.
How Richard Trethewey Became a Plumber
This Old House Plumbing and Heating Expert Richard Trethewey tells all about how his career as a plumber started.
How to Replace a Tub Drain
In this edition of DIY Smarts, plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey helps a homeowner with an old 1950s bathtub replace the tub drain assembly when the current one stops plugging the tub.
How to Maintain Your Dishwasher
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey breaks down all the connections on a dishwasher, how they work, and how to troubleshoot them when they aren’t draining or drying correctly.
How To Install a Utility Sink in a Barn
Master plumber Richard Trethewey installs a utility sink in Mark McCullough’s chicken barn.
How to Fit Copper Pipes
Plumbing & Heating Expert Richard Tretheway shows host Kevin O’Connor several methods for making solid, watertight connections, both with solder and without.
Celebrating Craftsmanship: Soldering Basics
Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey explains some general soldering techniques and how to connect water piping.
How to Replace a Spigot
Ask This Old House Plumbing and Heating expert Richard Trethewey explains a variety of failure points in a hose spigot and demonstrates how to replace one that is damaged beyond repair.
How to Install a Garbage Disposal
Garbage disposals are a helpful tool to help prevent pesky kitchen odors, as well as stop food from going down the pipes and causing plumbing issues. Watch as Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey demonstrates how to install a garbage disposal in your kitchen.
How Does a Siphon Work?
This Old House Plumbing & Heating Expert Richard Trethewey demonstrates how siphons work. Richard shows how siphons are the basic principle that make toilets work, even if the water supply in the house was turned off.
How to Replace a Bathroom Faucet
Need to update your bathroom sink faucet? Watch this DIY Smarts as Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey demonstrates how to replace a bathroom faucet.
How to Clean a Clogged Shower Cartridge
Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey travels to New York City to teach a homeowner how to clean her shower cartridge when it gets clogged.
Testing Smart Automatic Water Shut Off Valves
Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey tests two different styles of smart automatic water shutoff valves.
How to Connect Steel Gas Pipes
Looking to connect gas pipes in your home? This Old House Plumbing & Heating Expert Richard Trethewey explains a new method for connecting gas pipes, known as "press-connect."
How to Fix a Leaky Hose Spigot
Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey explains some of the common failure points in hose spigots and how to repair them.
How to Install a Gas Lantern
Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey travels to St. Louis to install a gas lantern on an original 1890s home in a historic neighborhood.
How a Frozen Pipe Bursts
In this DIY Smarts, Ask This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey demonstrates how and why frozen pipes burst.
Understanding Improvements to Certified PVC Flue Gas Ventilation
Ask This Old House plumbing and HVAC expert Richard Trethewey explains why standard DWV PVC should not be used to vent gas appliances and what should be used instead.
Cape Ann Project Heating Plan
Our plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey explains the general layout of the heating and cooling system in our Cape Ann project
Future House | Smart Water Valve
Ask This Old House home technology expert Ross Trethewey travels to Los Angeles to learn about innovations being made to automatic water shutoff valves